This was supposed to be a flash forward to the rest of the story. I've heard a lot of different criticism on it, the general consent on writing forums is it's dumb because you don't know the rest, but everywhere I posted it, people loved it. In case you didn't know, the first few sentences are the most important. It's what captures the attention of the reader. Whenever I go into the local bookstore, the library, or the book section of thrift stores, I go straight to the murder mystery section and if there's not a Dennis Lehane book I don't own, I find a random one that catches my eye and I read the first page. After doing this for a few (more like 20) books, I pick out one or two that were the most interesting. This method almost never failed me.Running down the halls, banging on the doors, I can’t seem to escape this realm of insanity. All the doors are locked, some even boarded up. I knew coming here was a bad idea. Someone’s following me. I can feel it… I can barley see the knife he’s holding in his hand or the blood stains on it. He wants something, but I don’t know what. I don’t think I’ll ever know either. I keep running, and running, and running. I can‘t stop, I have to run. If I stop, then I’ll die, and if I die, then she’ll die too. The lights are coming back on, and I see the bloody dark walls turn pure white. My ragged black jacket is now white, the bleeding stops, and I can’t move my arms…
Anyway, back to my work-in-progress. It's called Insanity, and , well, I don't even know what it's about anymore. I've tweaked the ending so much, I don't know where I want to take it anymore.
I'm totally stuck. It sucks.
Much love from the girl in tight jeans, GinnaaayMarie.
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